The Holistic Medicine Podcast by Dr Julie Moltke
//By Still Now Productions// The podcast is discovering the science and art of holistic medicine, looking at health based on the individual, and taking into account the interconnectedness of body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Dr. Julie Moltke, author of "A Quick Guide to CBD", is a leading figure in the holistic medicine movement and a specialist in mental health, medicinal cannabis, CBD, and stress reduction. In this podcast, you can hear her conversations with leading holistic figures working with everything from meditation to pain management. www.drjuliemoltke.comFor podcast-guest inquiries please email holisticmedicinepodcast@gmail.com
9 episodes
E9 Cannabinoid Research & CBD Delivery with Professor Saoirse O’Sullivan
Professor Saoirse O’Sullivan on cannabis research, how to influence the endocannabinoid system naturally, and CBD delivery methods! Professor Saoirse Elizabeth O’Sullivan (@ScienceSaoirse) received her doctorate from Trinity Coll...
Season 1
Episode 9

E8 Herbs and Supplements During Perimenopause and Menopause with Naturopath & Herbalist Dr. Vera Martins
Learn about the best ways to support menopause naturally!Dr Vera Martins is a naturopath and herbalist with a PhD in Cancer Biology. Having worked as a scientist for several years, Vera’s passion for natural medicine led her to study Naturo...
Season 1
Episode 8

E7 The relationship between gut health, mood and mental health with nutritionist Clarissa Lenherr
Clarissa Lenherr is a Harley Street registered nutritionist and leading workplace wellbeing consultant. As a private nutritionist, Clarissa has helped hundreds of clients back to optimal health and she...
Season 1
Episode 7

E6 Medical Cannabis in Malta with Dr. Andrew Agius - Specialist in family and lifestyle medicine
Dr. Andrew Agius is a family doctor with a special interest in obesity, weight-loss, and lifestyle medicine and he has recently set up a pain clinic in Malta. Dr. Agius is well-known in Malta for appearing regularly on national TV and he has be...
Season 1
Episode 6

E5 Author Karen Pallisgaard - Benefits of Meditation and Slow Living (including breathing meditation)
Karen Pallisgaard is a Danish senior yoga & meditation teacher and psychotherapist in training. She is also a bestselling author of several books about yoga, meditation, mental health, and slow living. She is known for making yoga and medit...
Season 1
Episode 5

E4 Dr Mark Braunstein - Medicinal Cannabis in Child and Adult Psychiatry
In this episode, Dr Julie Moltke speaks to one of the leading cannabis psychiatrists in the world. Based in Colorado, Dr Mark Braunstein has been prescribing cannabis for two decades. On his own journey as a physician, he has changed his practi...
Season 1
Episode 4

E3 Dr Tina Horsted - Medicinal Cannabis for Chronic Pain, Prescribing cannabis in Denmark
In this third episode of the Holistic medicine podcast, Dr Julie Moltke is interviewing Dr Tina Horsted, anesthesiologist, pain physician and owner of Clinic Horsted, the leading pain and medicinal cannabis clinic in the center of Copenhagen. D...
Season 1
Episode 3